Keselamatan & Bekalan Gas
How can I apply and register as a gas contractor with Energy Commission?
You can register as a gas contractor through online application system (OAS) available at You will be required to submit all documents and information listed in the application guide for registration. The registration application guide can be obtained from the website itself.
What is the requirement to become a gas contractor with Energy Commission?
A firm, a company, an association, a partnership or a body of persons (whether incorporated or not) must employs on a full basis competent person and have suitable equipment, testing equipment and instruments related to its work as determined by Energy Commission.
What is the minimum standard for competent person required to become a class A gas contractor?
To become a Class A contractor, one should employ at least Gas engineer or Gas engineering supervisor and a class I gas fitter.
Below is the minimum standard for other category of gas contractor
- Class B gas contractor should employ at least a Class I gas fitter;
- Class C gas contractor should employ at least a Class II gas fitter; and
- Class D gas contractor should employ at least a Class III gas fitter.
What are the scope of work of registered gas contractor under the Gas Supply Regulations?
There are four category of registered gas contractor and namely are:
- Class A gas contractor;
- Class B gas contractor;
- Class C gas contractor; or
- Class D gas contractor.
The scope of work of these contractor is as prescribes in Gas Supply Regulation 1997 in Table 3 of the Second Schedule. Any work done by a gas contractor shall be in accordance with the competency of the competent persons they employed.
Where can I obtain the list of registered gas contractor?
You can check and view the list of gas contractor from our website
What is a gas competent person?
A person who holds a certificate of competency issued by Energy Commission to perform work in accordance with the restriction, if any stated in the certificate.
If I have a gas certificate of competency, can I perform the gas installation?
No, you can’t. You should have registered your certificate of competency with the Energy Commission and shall engage in or be employed under a valid registered gas contractor.
What is the requirement to become a gas competent person?
There are five categories of gas competent person:
- Gas engineer;
- Gas engineering supervisor;
- Class I gas fitter;
- Class II gas fitter; and
- Class III gas fitter
The requirements to become a gas competent person for each category are:
i. Gas engineer:
- Degree (or qualifications equivalent to a degree) in gas, mechanical, civil, chemical, petroleum, fuel, electrical, mining, industrial engineering or a graduate of a recognized university / institution or any recognized engineering degree.
- Registered as a Professional Engineer with the Malaysia Engineer Board under the Engineer Registration Act 1967.
- Possess a minimum of two (2) years’ experience in fields related to gas pipelines or gas installation.
ii. Gas engineering supervisor:
- Degree (or qualifications equivalent to a degree) or diploma in gas, mechanical, civil, chemical, petroleum, fuel, electrical, mining, industrial engineering or a graduate of a recognized university / institution or any recognized engineering degree.
- Possess a minimum of 2 years’ experience in fields related to gas pipelines or gas installation.
iii. Class I gas fitter:
- Possess minimum Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM or equivalent).
- Minimum 18 years old.
- Possess a minimum of one (1) years’ experience in fields related to gas pipelines or gas installation with a gas contractor or in a recognized academic institution, government department or agency.
iv. Class II gas fitter:
- Certified as a Gas Fitter Class III.
- Working experience in maintaining, operating or monitoring or gas installation as an assistant to a Gas Engineer, Gas Engineering Supervisor or Fitter Class I or II for two (2) years while certified as a Gas Fitter Class III.
v. Class III gas fitter:
- Certified as a Gas Fitter Class II.
- Two (2) years’ working experience as an assistant to a Gas Engineer, Gas Engineering Supervisor or Gas Fitter Class I or II in maintaining, operating or monitoring gas pipelines or gas installation while certified as a Gas Fitter Class I
Note: A Gas Fitter Class I is of higher rank than a Gas Fitter Class II or III. A Gas Fitter Class II is of higher rank than a Gas Fitter Class III.
I am interested in attending a course on gas competency. Which training institution offers this course?
Currently, the Energy Commission recognizes the Competency course taught in two (2) training institutions in peninsular Malaysia.
The institutions are:
a. UTM-MPRC Institute for Oil and Gas, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru (tel. 07-5535653). These are Part-time Courses.
- Gas Distribution Course for Gas Engineers and Gas Engineering Supervisors
- Gas Distribution Course for Class I, II and III gas fitters
b. Institut Kemahiran MARA (IKM), Johor Bahru (tel 07-2361129). This is a Full-time Course
- Class I gas fitters Course